Hoping I got my clones right this time


New Member
Been trying over the last few months to get some clones going. Budget is low and knowledge is amateur. First batch were too waterlogged/cold, went stagnant or something, still healthy but no roots after weeks on weeks.

Second batch i overdid the nutes and they yellowed off and died. Tried to do a homemade heat pad and heated the next ones a little too much.

This time round I just took 2 so it's easier to focus on. One nice cut with two nodes below and above the ground and one of four tops with two nodes below and one above.

In the past my cuts have wilted within hours and perked within just as many. This time around I put them in a Tupperware container high up in the closet. They really looked like shit the last 3 days, but it started getting a smell from them sometimes so I figured I'd leave them. Day 5 and they're starting to perk up again.

Havent had had any light yet. Got myself a 100w cool daylight fluorescent bulb but unsure of how much it needs.

My questions are, how should I ease them into the light, distance etc, and does it sound like its working out this time


Well-Known Member
i use rapid rooter plugs and a clone dome under a 125 w cfl and i've had no problems at all man. my heating mat costed 10 dollars, dome costed 20, you need to change your budget around and make time to buy these things. my heating mat only heats up to about 20 degrees its nothing special but it does the job.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
look if its to cold you gona need a heat mat... also dont soak the plugs rapid rooter plugs are great cut 45 degree angle and rooting gell, or powder.. also need a dome dont wet the plugs to much and dont let them dry out to much also make shure you spay your moms with eagle 20 it stops them from geting mold after in your dome wash your hands everytime you in the dome and try not to contaminate the inside of the dome remember be steril. and you will not have any problems its not hard at all after a few times you be a pro..


New Member
I'm cloning in soil now. The plant I have is difficult to clone, I had success with a different cut under similar conditions - but - in soil. And I left it alone rather than tampering with it, which is an issue I have. Its summer here and the cuts are up high in the closet.

If they're perking up at day 5 is this a good sign.


Well-Known Member
Hi, you should do a little reading up on cloning. It will do wonders for you. I know because it did for me. :~)
They should have light above them . Read up on CFL's which I know very little about, but they are cheap & will fill your need for now.
Good Luck !


your telling me to buy that when u made a link saying you were having a hard time makin clones hahaha.......smoke another one man..was just saying I get 100percent success rates ill keep snippin ploppin em in and letting the machine do the work.....pcceee Im just bakedddddddddddddddddddd


New Member
All I want to know is if a cutting starts to perk up at day 5 and hold its foliage up again, can I consider that it is rooting?

I've had cuts that stayed perky and didn't root, but not ones that wilted for days and slowly perked again.
Clones should be fully rooted at 2 weeks. No wilting. Keep them warm, the bottoms wet and keep them under light, lite light.

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