Hoping to do small indoor grow in British Columbia - still worried about police


Active Member
Hey- I have a nice safe grow tent with a great stealthy spot to use it and am hoping to grow 4 to 5 plants, but still worried about if the police did stumble upon it.
Your opinion please- if the police did stumble upon the grow- would I BE BUSTED or what are the chances the police just walk away ?

Looking for a great hobby and nice smoke, but am at the age where you don't want to loose the pension

Thanks for your time


Well-Known Member
If this is in your residence, you manage smell (carbon filters etc.) and tell absolutely no-one, you really shouldn't have anything to worry about. You didn't mention the size, assuming it's a small/personal setup. As far as the cops walking away if they "stumble" upon it, unlikely but if it's a small/personal op and you have a medical condition, you might be able to talk your way out of it, too many variables to consider there.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much what GroErr said. Do you have suspicious/asshole neighbors? Showing off to untrustworthy people is also how a lot of people get into trouble. I would think a small tent grow would be easy to hide, especially thinking about carrying soil and stuff into the house and dumping the pots later. Smell will definitely be your biggest give away. Those darn skunks are back again....


do your thing indoors in your grow tent, tell no one, carry large items into and out of the house when your neighbors are gone or asleep (potting soil, large flower pots, etc.) If you are the only person who knows, it can be a secret, how is a cop going to find it? unless you are thinking of setting up outdoors then nobody can stumble across it.


Active Member
The idea is, of course, not to get caught
the question was, what if the cops do find it, what blowback can I expect in small town British Columbia?>>>>>>
Your opinion is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Only a fool would not be worried if skirting the law.

Use it to your advantage. Cross your t's and dot your I's.


Well-Known Member
ps. I do have a licence to posses marijuana.

Want to grow but what wondering what the risk to me is if caught
Bottom line....it's still illegal in BC but having said that the likelihood of you getting busted is low, but not zero

also it depends if your town is RCMP or some wanna-be rinky dinky police force

the Vancouver and Abbotsford police have stated they don't have the resource to chase down everyone growing a few plants...

the word on the street is 4 or less will result in no charges unless there are extenuating circumstance

typically they will just destroy your plants and equipment....but they still have the right to haul you into jail and give you the rubber glove

I just recently heard of an elderly couple popped in Kamloops with a large grow-op and will likely not get jail time or very little

There is no clear answer to your question as it all depends upon the circumstance and the direction your police force and/or the mood of the individual officer


Well-Known Member
He's A cop. Dont tell him...lol ...just kiddin...your good, dont sweat it....peace.
Hey- I have a nice safe grow tent with a great stealthy spot to use it and am hoping to grow 4 to 5 plants, but still worried about if the police did stumble upon it.
Your opinion please- if the police did stumble upon the grow- would I BE BUSTED or what are the chances the police just walk away ?

Looking for a great hobby and nice smoke, but am at the age where you don't want to loose the pension

Thanks for your time