Hopsnmalt's 2011 Grow


Active Member
Well it's underway after much planning, digging and vegging indoors.
Here's the list:
Blue Widow
White Siberian
Power Africa
Yumbolt x G13/haze
U.K. Cheese
Purple Urkle x OG
+ maybe a Lemon Skunk if I find time to dig just 1 more hole...:(

As of today, 9 plants in the ground. 7 to go. I took a chance and put 2 in 2 weeks ago at 2100' elevation. Sure enough the weatherman was off a little and they took three frosts.... drooped them a bit but they're O.K.
Here's the first one in, a Yumbolt x G13Haze, appropriately on 4/20.
More pics to follow this weekend after I get # 10,11 and 12 in.


Active Member
Hey Dirrtyd, I went to Common ground and got some soft rock phosphate in bulk and 20lbs of guano. I found some Mycorrhizae inoculant elsewhere that also has kelp powder for a nice price :)

Thanks for stopping in,


Active Member
i like your set up! ima keep peepin on this one! good luck on this season! we got a long way to go, but it will go by fast!


Active Member
haha for real!!! knock on wood that we dont get slammed by the pillars this year! i am already planning on investing in spinosad and azatrol for that reason! and an Atomizor! heard they are the shit and can be used all the way thru flowering for the fact that it doesnt spray it fogs! pretty cool shit, just sucks that it is $275... as for rain, i will be gettin the costco canopy out as soon as the clouds start coming back around!


Active Member
Looks like there going to have a nice home for the rest of their lives. How big are your holes and what is your soil mixture if you dont mind me asking?
I don't mind at all. Love it.
Holes are mostly 4x4x3' deep, overkill yes but it made it easier to put 1/2" aviary wire in to keep the gophers out. The soil mix is about 1/3 soil, 1/3 compost and 1/3 composted manure with a healthy addition of organic ferts:
Soybean Meal
Wood ash
Bone meal
Oyster shell flour
A little Guano
A bag or so of potting soil at transplant so the new girls can acclimate to the new spot




Active Member
haha for real!!! knock on wood that we dont get slammed by the pillars this year! i am already planning on investing in spinosad and azatrol for that reason! and an Atomizor! heard they are the shit and can be used all the way thru flowering for the fact that it doesnt spray it fogs! pretty cool shit, just sucks that it is $275... as for rain, i will be gettin the costco canopy out as soon as the clouds start coming back around!
Godblessit...I sure hope not. Been lucky the last couple of grows; no worms at all and Yes, I'm knocking on wood as I type. I guess if I have probs, we'll be talking later....;)




Well-Known Member
Really excellent looking! Can't wait to see this grow take off.

I'm more worried about these winds we've been getting lately than critters. I've been on the edge of my seat watching the news. "TORNADO WATCH" "TORNADO WARNING" "YOUR PLANTS ARE GOING TO DIE, HAHAHA" (Maybe I made the last one up)

Subscribed for sure buddy!

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Damn thats a nice mix, i know the wood ashes will temporarily drop your ph but will dissolve out within a watering or two. Is the oyster shell flower an alternative to dolomite lime? I know the ph is effected similarly but do the oysters supply the same calcium and magnesium that dolomite does. Either way thats a very nice setup and mix i'll be tuned in for sure.


Well-Known Member
Nice line-up of strains. I grew the Kandy Kush last year. Best weed I've ever smoked. I'm tempted to do it again this year. You a fellow homebrewer? Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
More pics! Haha how long you been growing for a few years? I will need everyones input when i start my thread lol.


Active Member
Is the oyster shell flower an alternative to dolomite lime? I know the ph is effected similarly but do the oysters supply the same calcium and magnesium that dolomite does?
Yes, I'm using it in place of Dolomite because it has no Mg in it. My native soil has 5x the optimal amount already.OSF is pure calcium and cheap, 9$ for 50lbs.

Thanks for stoppin in,



Active Member
Nice line-up of strains. I grew the Kandy Kush last year. Best weed I've ever smoked. I'm tempted to do it again this year. You a fellow homebrewer? Best of luck.
Thanks Pablo,
Hope my KK turns out well too, I put in 2; an 18"er and a clone from her. Wish I would have cloned a few 4 weeks ago.
Haven't brewed beer in years, been winemaking for ten years now. I put my share of beer though my kidneys though :)

Thanks for stopping in,


Active Member
More pics! Haha how long you been growing for a few years? I will need everyones input when i start my thread lol.
I grew a few times 20+ years ago and a couple of times about ten years back. Never like this though, I have put a lot of planning and work into this one.;)




Active Member
Here's a random photo update from the weekend. 4 more in the ground; Purple OG # 3, Power Africa #2, Blue widow # 2 and Kushberry # 2.
I'm gonna try to train Purple OG # 3 like a grapevine for fun :)

Purpleog training.jpgBlue Widow1.jpgBlue Widow2.jpgWhite Siberian1.jpgKandy Kush1.jpg


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