Horny Goat Weed and other "fun" herbs


Active Member
Hey, I'm looking at setting up a grow in my closet...I've been doing research for a couple weeks and I'm thinking a homemade bubbleponics set up would work the best for my set up. I can't grow any chronic because of my roomie sitch (UGH) but I want to get a set up going so I'll be ready when the time comes...

In the mean time I was thinking about starting either an herbal or vegetable garden, and thought herbs might be pleasant :mrgreen:...anybody have any experience growing horny goat weed (epimedium)? And what are some other herbs that might be good for a first time hydro grow? I'm looking for something fun, cheap, and easy to acquire and grow (safe to use is a plus). Any info ya'll have would be fantastic, thanks!

Oh, and as a n00b, any links you could provide to good cheap BP set-ups and threads would be frickin awesome.
Hey dude. Check out my stealth system. It it fairly easy to setup. Use it as a guideline to create your own setup. Happy Growing!

Btw if you have any questions about my setup or in need of some advice feel free to ask.
ballin' thanks ya'll. I'll have to look into that Leonurus Sibericus. Also, have any of you heard of "dream herb?" It's also known as Calea zacatechichi. It's an herb that's supposed to have a mild sedative affect and possible produce mild auditory hallucinations...but here's the kicker...It's supposed to give you really vivid dreams. Sounds interesting. I just ordered some seed and leaves from Bouncing Bear Botanicals...I'll send pics when they get here and tell you if I have any wacky dreams
Yeah i have grown Alot of different entheogens in my day. Calea was a bit tricky and didn't end up doing much growing.. That was more my neglect then anything else. I woulnd't bother with the Leonorus though not worth it. Though the plant itself is nice as an ornimental, outdoors, the effects are so mild it is a waste. They sell them in socal as landscaping plants.