Horse Shit!


Active Member
My plant is about a month old and i've been feeding it Miracle grow, however i would like to switch over to organic. my neighbor has horse shit laying all over the field touching my property...

1: is this any good? keep in mind: i am going to be gone for a large portion of the summer so when it starts flowering i will be relying on the nutrients in the soil to keep it happy.

2: if so, how do i mix it in with soil?

(i have absolutly no money, so please don't tell me to go buy mixing items lol)

thanks! peace :peace: :leaf:

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Horse shit, cow shit, chicken shit, bat shit all have been used for centuries.
And you can't get more organic then that. Use the dry stuff for obvious reasons...


Active Member
allright thanks, ummm dry. how dry? can ijust wander the field and find shit that has been around for a week or two in the sun?

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Dry enough to burn should be good, if you must collect the wet stuff, spread it out on your property.
Let it dry in the sun one day, turn it over the next an let it dry some more. Should be good to mix into
your soil by then.