Hot Pink hairs on plant

Anyone know why a plant would have hot pink hairs ? This is my second plant that has done this. The first one I ruined, but am now being extra careful with this one. The seeds were given to me by an old man smoker that he had collected over the years. I have been growing with them for the last year and they all are excellent quality, but I have never seen this before. They are Hot Pink, not amber or orange or purple, Hot Pink. I am growing indoors under cfl true 600 watt 4 X 4 area using fox farm dirt and nutes. The plant starts showing the pink hairs as soon as the hairs start forming. Not all of them are pink, they seem to start out white, then turn Hot Pink. This picture shows the plant at 1 month flower.



Well-Known Member
yea, thats genetics, looks awesome though, any idea of the strain or is it just random seeds from this old guy.


Well-Known Member
Amsterdam Flame comes too mind.....not sure if thats what you have but it is one strain I know to throw pink hairs. Upon harvest they turn the most vibrant neon like purple you have ever seen on a MJ plant....keep her alive!!!


Well-Known Member
Ive experienced the exact same pink hairs on my plants, identical, the only difference being my plants were grown outdoors. I would not be so quick to say pink hair is from strain alone. Ive had multiple strains with pink hairs. Ive heard another member on here mention something about pH levels cause the pink hairs. I cant be for certain, but in my opinion, All of the plants that I experienced this with was plants in full sun light. It could be caused by a lot of light (not necessarily to much). I cant think of the proper word but it seems as if the sun has "bleached" the hairs pink. In your case, being indoor lighting, I'm curious as to what you are using? By the way your plant looks magnificent, keep up the good work. :blsmoke:


Active Member
That looks photoshopped, I can tell by the pixels...:mrgreen:

Honestly, that is a very pretty plant, good enough to grace the display of any flower shop.