"Hot Shot" Foggers? Anyone?


I have a bug problem. I went to go look for the Hot Shot No Pest Strips. Unfortunately, all I could find in my state are the Hot Shot Fogger "bug bombs" I guess you could call them. Anyone have any experience with these products? Do they work well/at all? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
if you read the can ... somewhere on the back ... you might see it says something like.. remove all pets and plants...blah summa blah....if you dont see it ...try the stuff out....just not with your mj ...peace


Active Member
yeah those bombs are for heavy house infestations. I've used it for a heavy roach and fly problem. I believe the box says to put away all clothes, dishes, pets, anything living, or comes close to any food or water. You even have to leave the house for several hours. I would say do not use under any circumstances for any plant, especially something you plan on consuming... especially something you're going to smoke.