Hound1's First Outdoor Grow Journal


Active Member
Hi everyone! Never thought I'd do this but here is my first grow thing. I planted most of these to early and went into flower but came back thank god and have been doing quite good. this is my little setup. 100_5663.jpg100_5665.jpg100_5668.jpg100_5671.jpg100_5667.jpg100_5669.jpg100_5666.jpg100_5672.jpg100_5664.jpg



Active Member
The larger ones the strain is unknown but has a snowcap smell and taste to it and the seeds are some random autoflowering ones i received from a friend. and I just use superthrive and cns17 by botanicare and seldom use GH flora micro. Any tips would be appreciated as this is my 2nd outdoor grow from the Southern California area.


Active Member
Heres a first update: I cleared out the planter bed and fixed up some bricks for watering and tied em down a bit better and heres some shots from the new growth coming out from the reveg. enjoy :)100_5690.jpg100_5689.jpg100_5679.jpg100_5681.jpg100_5680.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks good. I'm in So Cal too, and trying my first outdoor grow this year. Unfortunately, my plants won't be in my yard.

I'll follow along here, this should be interesting.

How old are your autoflower plants? I've got a few auto seedlings on my roof now. I'm wondering whether they're really gonna be ready sixty days from now. Somehow I doubt it. Yours are much bigger than mine, though...but I don't see any flowers in your pics. I'm just curious as to when flowers start forming on auto plants, since I've never grown one before.


Active Member
just the seeds are autoflower (most of the ones in the greenhouse.)but the larger ones are believed to be snowcap. :)


Active Member
So I got a nice 10 grams from trimming off the under buds that didnt have a chance at revegging and wheeww this stuff stinks. But I am having a problem with 2 of my girls from seed. Any idea what this is anyone? I'm thinking heat stress.100_5697.jpg100_5699.jpg100_5698.jpg


Active Member
help please or i think immma toss em... thank you! today im making a bucket cloner for my phototron ill make a new thread for that though. but if anyone knows wtf is up with those it would be tight.


Well-Known Member
Wish I could help ya, but honestly I've never seen that before. Those are the autoflower plants? I'm trying a few af's for the first time, and frankly I'm not impressed with their performance so far. Mine are much younger than yours, but still...I don't think I'd be buying any af seeds in the future unless my current ones start doing better. I think one of my three is on it's way out, and the other two just aren't really growing much. Could be that I started 'em too late in the season.

Making cloners and other growstuff like that is fun. I wish I had the workspace for it now, since I've got a lot of ideas.


Active Member
Yea im honestly not to sure those seeds are kinda unpredictable. yeaa those messed up ones are the autoflower ones. But yea im def not growing those again. Yea I made a sickk bucket cloner ill post pics later. And a homie just hooked up a couple phillis dyller seeds so im hyped on those Ill post those on a diff thread.


Active Member
so yea i made some butane and alcohol extraction with the trim from the trim off those underbuds and some old trim lying around and hooked up my phototron with a aerobucket i made so Imma wait for some good cuttings before i start that. 100_5710.jpg100_5712.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty cool. So those are fluorescent tubes on the walls there? How many watts per tube? And...you fit six plants in that one bucket? Is it just for rooting cuttings?


Active Member
one last cry for help please or imma toss her tonight anyone have anyyy idea what this is please. waters ph'd and everything so. I dunno100_5721.jpg


Active Member
been training these blackberries for a hot minute now maybe it will be ready next year and I planted one100_5724.jpg100_5722.jpg100_5726.jpg100_5725.jpg100_5723.jpg female (bagseed) in the planter and bent over all my branched real good.


Well-Known Member
one last cry for help please or imma toss her tonight anyone have anyyy idea what this is please. waters ph'd and everything so. I dunnoView attachment 1697343
Here's an interesting chart (http://www.primalseeds.org/nutrients.htm), but they don't have illustrations. Looks like some sort of mineral deficiency to me...but which one? AND for the ones that seem most likely (Fe, Mn, Zn, Mo) based on their descriptions and your pics, they don't suggest a fix. Perhaps just hitting it with a dose of a balanced grow formula that contains ALL of the necessary mineral micronutrients (I think DynaGro Foliage Pro is one that would qualify)...or, if the deficiency is a result of abnormal soil pH, it might be worth checking your soil pH (or, at least, the pH of your watering/feeding mixes).

Just a thought. I hate to see mj plants go to waste.


Active Member
thanks man super appreciated .yea i was kinda on the zinc/boron deff. so thats pretty likely .Imma go ask the guy at the hydro store for a nute for that.