Hours of Sunishine = Harvest?


We're now down to 11.2 hours of sunshine per day ....

Should total hours of sunshine not directly correlate to harvest?

Any thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
We're now down to 11.2 hours of sunshine per day ....

Should total hours of sunshine not directly correlate to harvest?

Any thoughts on this?

its total hour of sunshine that starts your flowering off, once you get to 12 hours sun up - sun down then its up to the genetics of your plant if its a 6 week plant you got a week or so for plant to start flowering then 6 weeks till its done if its a 10 week plant then you might have trouble ;)


My plant has been flowering outdoors since late july .... (well thats when the buds started) ... so am I just to assume that now I get intense trich development for a week or so?