House Walkthrough By Property Manager- Any one been through this before?


Well-Known Member
I just got a call and there will be a walkthrough this friday from 2-4. She said they were supposed to have done this about 6 months in, but I've been here a year now. I have a 15 month lease which is up in March. The company is Keller Williams.

I'm planning on putting the veg room into the flower room, stashing all related stuff, and stacking boxes and some shelves in front of the flower room door. The wall that the door is on is also the wall that the washer and dryer are against, so I'm hoping that when she walks through it kinda just looks like a small basement. The basement is unfinished, so the rough looking veg room walls may not concern her, but her expetise in homes may make it easier for her to 'feel' like the basement should be bigger. I'm not assuming she's stupid, but I do assume she will be in a hurry and not like poking around peoples stuff if she doesn't need to. If she insists I'll tell her it's my grow and she can't see it because it is night in there right now. I'm not illegal, so even if she calls the cops and they come in and fuck everything up, they should leave eventually and the most she can do is break the lease and tell me to leave in 30 days.

So does anyone have experience with walkthroughs? Getting away with it or getting caught, how'd it go?


Active Member
If your within your legal limits and the cops are relatively cool, they will clear you and tell the landlord its legal. Happened to me. landlord called the cops cause she found out I was growing, cops came, counted the crop, told the landlord it was legal and left. There is nothing they can do, not even break the lease, unless the lease specifically states you wont grow mmj there. Most leases include clauses saying you will not do anything illegal or the lease can be terminated. But if your legal, your not doing anything illegal.

My lease says that I will not do anything illegal at the city, municipal, or state level. So my med grow does not violate my lease. Now if it were to say you will not do anything illegal at the federal level, that would be a different story.


Well-Known Member
I had one, not too big of a grow room. I just took it down to be safe. Woke up early and moved it all out into a tent trailer. Or you could rent a uhaul truck and load it up. You're better off doing this and not risking getting caught. Cuz if you do you're evicted and charged with growing if your not a mmj card holder.

Just my .02 but if you feel sure the inspector won't be too snoopy, and you think it's well hidden (think about sound and smell), then that's your call.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
had that happen to me this summer, i broke down all the indoor stuff, stuck it into a u-hual and got it out of there. stacked lumber and boxes in front of the grow spaces and took all my power tools out. even cut a few pieces of wood up so there would be sawdust around.

i also had the greenhouse outside, and i couldn't move that so i just closed it up and prayed like hell they wouldn't look. and they didn't. they never even peeped into the garage where i did most of the work.

i waited until later that night to move the truck back in case they were in the neighborhood at any point during the day.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice guys. I kinda already came to the same conclusion to get the girls out of there. Guess I'll get those Blackout trash bags I saw and use several layers of bags duct taped together to keep the light off the ladies in an attempt to preserve the ones in flower, and to hide them for the move, and move em out.
Then I'll take down all the 8" tubes and the lights, stack all that stuff in there, put the inversion table down there with a shitload of other boxes from the garage. Worst case scenario, she wants us to move out or wont renew lease in 9 weeks, but she wont have any reason to call the police.

brimck325 My wife and I are legal MMJ card holders and we are LEGALLY growing our own marijuana so I don't care what leo does. However, I do not want to move right now and I don't need some cop cars parked in front of my house for a couple hours, so I do not want to edit my post but thanks for checking. Way to keep the paranoia going.


Well-Known Member
someone else posted about this a while back. i can't believe people have walkthroughs. it's ridiculous. you pay rent, you should be able to do whatever u want in there provided the neighbors aren't complaining or u don't have bugs. i live in a single family and my landlord never comes here. i grow legally regardless so i don't worry about it too much, they can kiss my big fat ass... i wouldn't put my plants away if my mom were coming here. she would have to llike it or gtfo.


Well-Known Member
I agree completely and hate that I am going to do all that work for her to walk through and snap some pics for 10 min. I'm hoping the 24 hours of darkness followed by the stressfull move out and back in wont mess up my flowers.
I've also decided we need to get our own house so this will stop happening. Maybe we'll start buying tents or something.