houston, we have a problem!!! plant eating itself? nut def? HELP!

can this plant recover and become a healthy plant

  • No, its going to die

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • it will make it but very low yield and potency

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • it will can jump back and become a healthy plant

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Read: ok so i think my plant has ALOT of nut def problems and im trying to figure what it needs or if she is even going to be wearth keeping around because every def that im thinking my plant falls under says growth is stunt and its going to hurt the pontency/yeild...im wondering on how much because she is looking pretty bad right now. the tips and edges of the fan leafs started out to be bright yellow that turned into a rust color and is now decaying. and the inner leafs are still a bright yellow! I have been trying to get help on this plant for every it feels like and it just keeps getting worst and worst everyday i look at it:sad: im afraid it may be to late but im not sure because im new to this and it has never happend to me. I would really like some help or ideas on what i should/need to do. i really dont want to wast another month or two on this plant if its only going to yeild 10 grams or so....and i hate looking at it like this, just not somthing pretty to look at it and it very well should be!

ill give you as much info as i can so you get a good idea on what is wrong and what i can do for this plant. and if it dosnt make it i will at least know for next time. if you need any other info just ask. ill post some pictures as welll.This strain i got seems to be really hard to grow so im going to need as much help as i can get!

soil: fox farm OF
Ph: about 6.5
temp: lights on 75-82f off 68-73f
lights: 18/6 2x85watt clf, one 14wattcfl and a 30watt cfl
age of plant: 5 weeks veg,(was planing to wait till 12in, but stoped growing for awhile)
vent: 4in fan for in. 6in out. and a 12 in osalating fan.
If you need anymore info to help out feel free to ask. IM going to post some pictures and if you need to see more i can always do so, just let me know. dont leave me hangin on this one i have for much to long and this is what happend...:wall:

