How am I doing? 1st grow-30 days into flowering

ok-sorry if I sound retarded-but I got to ask-am I doing ok-how close should I move my light during flowering?my plants look really good-all leaves about perfect in color-using sunshine #4 with some perlite and bat guano-about to add some blooming nutes like 1/4 strength. they vegged for a little over 30 days from clones. They are Pitbull, Bluberry-bubblegum?,AI(an ak47 indica mix) and medijuana.the AI seems the slowest and is a very different looking plant that the rest.smallest buds thus far.



Well-Known Member
looks nice. get that light as close as you can. if it is too hot for the back of your hand, then it is too hot for your tops. all your plants look real nice, watch the tips on the plant in #12 for slight nute burn. this is not a problem yet and probably wont be but it is one thing to watch when you are growing multiple strains that each have slightly different nutrient needs. good luck and keep it green.
Thank you! light will be lowered asap-it's way too high. I do got one plant mom about killed,prob the one with nute burn.havent put nutes in sice the beginning before I realized sunshine 4 had nutes and was good with the guana-about to do blooming nutes tmrw-so will watch the tips-thank u!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
no problem. i like to have a fan blowing over the top of my plants in between the lights and the plants to cool hot spots when i have the light very close to the tops.
I have an oscilating fan blowing across them gently and a fan in the corner pointed towards the tops-just lowered the light by at least a foot-it was way too high-I thought it was!also have 2 ionizers and I can keep the door open during light hours.Just keep an eye on my top leaves in case my light is too close I guess-did the hand thing,so hope I'm ok-I got lucky when cloning these girls-first attemt cloning and they are will be put into their tubs tmrw-second grow-going all out with the plants-we have the space and time-light is 1000w.Going to cut my room in half tmrw for veggin my clones-and a few cheese and medijuana seeds-hoping for at least a couple good females,but I guess I wont find that out for a few weeks-going clone only after this.