How am i doing?

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
I have three lady's growing in soil in 2.5 gallon containers. They are 7 weeks along and are supposed to go ten weeks. They are from seed, AK-47 from Serious Seed Co. I have them under a 600w hps, air cooled light. I am feeding them GH nutes with RO water and give them cal mag and molasses as well. I feed every third day and water only every third feeding. The room stays around 75 F during the day anf 65 F at night. During the 3rd and fourth weeks in bloom the lower fan leaves were yellowing and the overall color of the plants was changing to light green. I couldnt distinguish wether it was a nitrogen or magnesium deficiancy, so i added N back to the ratio for a week and a half and introduced cal mag into the equation. Since then they look better but the lower foliage never really recovered its color fully. There is still plenty of yellow leaves, but i don't know if that has do with it being late in the bloom now. i know they do that naturally when their about at the end of bloom. Check out my pics and let me know what you think? thanks!



Well-Known Member
the yellowing is natural i wouldnt try to fix that unless it happend at beginning of flower, they look really good to im also startin a grow got some ak47 crosbred with powerplant


Active Member
Gongrats on the grow bro , That first plant is lookin REAL sexy! , i wouldent worry too much about your leaves turning yellow now , as "mcpurple" said the only time you need to worry is if this happens befor or when they start to flower , from (personal expeirence) i would say that just means the plant is just consintrating on her buds more now then just her leaves so the tend to get a little yellow , ive had it happen to me on a couple grows and i never really thought much of it , aslong as the budsites dont start going yellow then i would have to say you dont have much to worry about , just keep doin what ur doin and smoke a fatty of that first plant for me when shes finished! haha

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks for the KIND words! The yellowing I have read is natural at this point, I just did'nt know it could start in the earlier to mid weeks of flowering. My set date to harvest is December 30, that will be 70 days, unless their trichs tell me otherwise! I'll smoke one for ya Johnwayne and hopefully post some pics of the harvest as well! Thanks!
i wouldnt worry about it now so late in flower but looks like tips of leaves are crispin and yellowin from nute burn, but dec 30 being 70 days you should start to flush soon anyway soil needs 2 weeks of plain water before harvest im pretty sure unless your using a cleanser but overall looks tasty u should definitly do harvest pics and a litle smoke review


bud bootlegger
i would say thats a good call.. as must bloom nutes are low on nitrogen, a lot of time your leaves will turn yellow in late flowr as nitrogen supports green growth and the lush green color.. i wouldn't worry about it too much though... they look sweet..
how was the stank factor on those ak's? i have always read that they are stanky, but never knew anyone who had grown them..
nice job mate... they look sweet..

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
They are stinky, but this being my first grow indoor and with real genetics I could'nt really put it on a scale for you. I have three different females from seed, and they all have their own aroma. Can't wait to smoke this stuff. My question now is weather or not to give them a shot of nitrogen or just leave em be. Being they are now in their seventh week. What do you guys and gals think?

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
I plan to flush them in their final week and a half and maybe even shut down the lights the last two or three days. I bought a little pocket microscope thingy, it's 30x, so it should work to check trichs. Gonna check them tonight just see what they look like in person.

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
Anyone have an opinion wether i should hit my plants with more nitrogen, 7 weeks into flower? Or should i leave em alone? I made it this far, just want the best for these, their my FIRST real grow!


bud bootlegger
i wouldn't sweat it too much.. those buds look awesome, and like everyone was saying, it is natural for leaves to turn yellow toward the end of flowering.. as long as any new vegetive growth, if there even is any at this point in time, looks good any healthy, i wouldn't worry about it.. and like you said, you are going to flush for the last week and a half, so you really only have a week and a half of nutes left to go, i would say your golden..


Well-Known Member
they r starting to yellow a little early next with three weeks left might b a problem, nugs look nice thoe next time spray your leaves with neem oil a week after you induce flowering it will help some. i use a combination of fish oil and sesame oil insted plants love it and they never yellow but smells horible for bout a week


Active Member
i wouldnt flush for that long if at all, if you do decide to flush try not flushing one of them and see how little difference it makes.