How are my plants looking? pics inside


Active Member
First grow, i have 2 setups at the moment. a Grow cab and these 2 plants in my closet and here's some pictures of my little setup and plants. Im thinking the leaves are looking a little flimsy, what are your observations? I water every 3-4days and havent givin them anything but for the last week or so. Any suggestions on making them a little sturdier?:peace: Goodlooking


Active Member
Looking pretty dam good from here Ruhland!! Leaves look like they just been sprayed so they would obviously be drooping then, do the leaves perk up after the lights have been on awhile? Overall color and shape look healthy so you shouldn't be worried bout too much. Good luck with the grow.....


Active Member
Looking pretty dam good from here Ruhland!! Leaves look like they just been sprayed so they would obviously be drooping then, do the leaves perk up after the lights have been on awhile? Overall color and shape look healthy so you shouldn't be worried bout too much. Good luck with the grow.....
I agree with RollinStoned they look great keep up the good work and keep posting your pics.


Active Member
Yo thanks everybody and yea i did just spray them, and that did droop them a bit more. But they stay semi like that all the time. i also noticed that there is a little color on the branches maybe purple? I know that means Nitro def, but i really dont know if that matters much if theres some color there. The plant on the left is Strawberry Cough, and the one on the right is some AfghanX. I name them noname with a number becuz its alot quicker and easier to save on my computer. Lol but thanks for the help and if u keep checkin in, ill for sure keep posting pics if u want. Thanks again peace


Active Member
Get a silica product to strengthen leaves and stems...I use botanicare Silica Blast but there's a ton of them out there. Your plants look great BTW.
Good Luck


Active Member
Looking really good! I would try to avoid getting water on the leaves if you can; sometimes it can bend the light in harmful ways, although most times you're safe

If you want to make the plant sturdier, you can always create a gentle breeze with a fan. This makes the plant develop stronger stems, in order to adjust to the environment. Just don't always have the fan blowing or else your plants may end up with thick stems and less foliage. More foliage equals more bud.

I usually apply the fan in shorter periods rather than long ones. But when everything is said and done, you really don't have to make the stems stronger unless they can't support what they have on them. From looking at your pictures, your plants already have nice sturdy stems, and a lot of nice foliage. Nice job! :bigjoint:


Active Member
Well shoot thats awsome. Thanks yall for the info, +rep for Yolonda and TGB. And Biologist thanks for that fan bit, i did have my fan blowing on my plants for long periods at a time. I was just thinking the leaves being sorta floppy wasnt that great, but again thanks yall. Ill keep posting and hopefully u keep the info rollin.