How are my Plants looking?


Active Member
I dont seem to be having any real issues at the moment, I was just wondering if they look okay, this is my first grow so Im just interested :)

The are about 6 days old. I am currently growing these plants indoors and after another 2 weeks I am going to transfer them to a remote place outside. I have been giving these plants a blow each day with the fan, and water every 2-3 days (it is a clear cup so It is easier to measure how thirsty they are).

The light goes on from about 6.30-7ish AM when I wake up and gets turned off at 11ish PM when I go to sleep, but on the windowsil It gets the morning sun as well (whenever it comes up)

This is a picture I took yesterday, the plant on the right seems to have stretched abit?? It has a purplish stalk, whereas my plant on the left has a lovely strong green stalk...

Again a picture took yesterday

A picture I took today. I have put a shoebox around the plants for 2 reasons:
1) To enhance the Bulb's light and
2) I dont want my mum seeing it grow!! She isnt suspicious at the moment, however if i am going to take it outside after about 3 weeks, they will hopefully have grown abit! >.<

So comments and hints will be appreciated :)


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
They look ok to me. You might want to consider wrapping something around the cup to keep the light away from the roots. Your babies will thank you.


Active Member
Thanks for your help :)

I just look forward to getting them planted outside finally, I think I have the problem of being impatient as a new grower >.< lol


Active Member
The plant on the right (in the top picture) today was pretty much resting on the side of the pot =/

So I put about an inch or two of soil into the pot, and it seems to have sorted it out :D

The plant on the left is carrying on doing its stuff ;)

But I think they will be fine for the time being (Y)