How are the current Dispensaries sourcing their meds?


Active Member
Anyone know what method the current Dispensaries are sourcing their meds and doing it legally?

I hear some of them are moving 2+lbs per day and know for a fact they can' have that amount on hand and ready via their own grows.

Anyone know what papertrail they are creating and how?
A caregiver can donate a portion of their harvest to the dispensary. The state has donation forms that need to be filled out*to track the exchange. Quite a few of the owners have caregiver cards or work with caregivers and donate the product to the store. It is just enough to float the dispensary until a cultivation sites become operational.
2 1/2 per patient 5 patients plus self =15

36-2801. Definitions
(Caution: 1998 Prop. 105 applies)

In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. "Allowable amount of marijuana"
(a) With respect to a qualifying patient, the "allowable amount of marijuana" means:
(i) Two-and-one-half ounces of usable marijuana; and
(ii) If the qualifying patient's registry identification card states that the qualifying patient is authorized to cultivate marijuana, twelve marijuana plants contained in an enclosed, locked facility except that the plants are not required to be in an enclosed, locked facility if the plants are being transported because the qualifying patient is moving.
(b) With respect to a designated caregiver, the "allowable amount of marijuana" for each patient assisted by the designated caregiver under this chapter means:
(i) Two-and-one-half ounces of usable marijuana;
If I am legally able to cultivate 72 plants as a caregiver and patient I will have way more than 15 zips, therefore I can donate the "incidental" marijuana to the dispensary, that I also happen to be an agent for, theoretically speaking.
If I am legally able to cultivate 72 plants as a caregiver and patient I will have way more than 15 zips, therefore I can donate the "incidental" marijuana to the dispensary, that I also happen to be an agent for, theoretically speaking.

I don't believe you have to be an agent for them either.
If I am legally able to cultivate 72 plants as a caregiver and patient I will have way more than 15 zips, therefore I can donate the "incidental" marijuana to the dispensary, that I also happen to be an agent for, theoretically speaking.

Incidental very clearly is defined under the law as no buds! Theoretically speaking you could be arrested for a
felony or 2. I love it.. people don't read the law and make up there own definitions and meanings of the law..
Of course because of the amount you would not qualify for probation and would fall under the sentencing chart.
Theoretically speaking you would be fucked..After sentencing it may not be so theoretical and you may be taking
in the ass. Perhaps instead of making up and spreading bullshit about the law you should read it.

"Waiting for them to close down every corrupt piece of shit dispensary in the state and leave the growing for the people."
If I am legally able to cultivate 72 plants as a caregiver and patient I will have way more than 15 zips, therefore I can donate the "incidental" marijuana to the dispensary, that I also happen to be an agent for, theoretically speaking. Quote

A caregiver can donate an entire harvest to the dispensary. The state has donation forms that need to be filled out to track the exchange. Quite a few of the owners have caregiver cards or work with caregivers and then just donate the product to the store. It is just enough to float the dispensary until the cultivation sites become operational. *And yes I am sure from personal involvement.Quote

Damn you even went and documented your "personal involvement"with these felonies as well as possibly documenting them with the dispensary forms. The
law clearly states that you can not have more than 15 zips of usable pot on hand to gift to a dispensary. Certainly they should start a very close audit of the dispensaries past and present herbs immediately. This should include interviews of patients registered to dispensary donating caregivers to help track the illegal dispensary activity. If any inappropriate behavior is found they must be closed immediately.

"Soon the corrupt piece of shit dispensaries will be closed leaving growing to the people."
It's not illegal if you have a large enough group of caregivers to donate their maximum amount, I guess I left that part out making it seem ridiculous as in a single person donating an entire harvest. I tend to be brief and undetailed and medicated.

I am not going to explain the whole process on here and will end with that everything is done under the advisement of an attorney whether I explain it properly on the Internet or not, so bash all you want, because it is only the Internet and I couldn't care less what anybody thinks.
So a caregiver that has 5 patients can only donate 15z to a Dispensary?

Assuming you are also a patient... 15z would be the amount you could have on your person!

I have wondered this myself... If a dispensary is taking every persons ability to grow within 25 mile of their location then why would they need donations of medicine and what not?

It is a planned failure by the planned failure boards forming left and right... Very simply put - these guys want to make bank while others carry the burden of growing... Wake up folks!

I have offered my services to a dispensary in past and have retracted from moving forward simply because they want a "bitch" not growers... I would call it a Micro-managed-grow-op job.. (Who will be watching you from the cams is my fear? Just who? I know Element on Cave Creek has their cams hosting to the DEA ask the owner himself - the old man or the lady running the place... Just who is watching?)

The best one I heard was a 100k+ job as a cultivator with a dispensary!! HA... I would rather grow for personal consumption and say fuck the rest.. From the person investing it may seem very sensible to invest with no consequences ! Spell check that in your pipe and smoke it!
I don't believe you have to be an agent for them either.

My understanding is that you DO actually.

Who knows. So many answers, so few questions.

Someone mentioned there was paperwork to intake meds for a Dispensary. Actually thats not true as we found out today from DHS.