how bad did my overferting hurt them?


Well-Known Member
well as always i over fert my plants, thay are 30 into flower wit hnice size nugs, but the laves all are crispy and yellow with copper spotts. i already flushed them out 3 gall of R/O water (thay in 5 gal pots with coco)

after i did that 2 days later it looks the the green parts of the plants look good and green again, but the dmged parts are getting worse and compleetly dieing off

like fan leaves that were yellow a lil wit hburned tips are now yellowing/brownig all the way back killing off anything that was even the slightest dmged

but the new growth looks more hydrated and healthier green

ill take some picks later tonight when i switch my lights.

i always over ferted all my grows, and this time i finaly learned and am doing something about it. so ive never seen a plant get bad fert burn then get fixed. my nugs never seem to get any bigger after my 1st 30 days of flower and now i know wy lol

so will thay repair and put on more wieght i still have 35 days or so left of flower


Well-Known Member
They most likely are fine. You can buy some revive from advanced nutrients if your plants are stressed out. I'd personally wouldn't worry about it. You flushed a majority of those toxic nutrients out. You also said your current leaves are green and new growth is a nice shade of green so that a good sign everything is okay. I'd personally wait for those nutrient burned leaves to change color completely and pick them off when they die/fall. Other than that I'd just leave the plant as is.