How big should my babies be when I set them free outdoors?


Just wondering, I am going to do a nice little outdoor Gorilla next summer... Just want to know if there is a certain size before releasing them? I am going to let them get some sunlight for 2-3 weeks (few hrs each day) before letting go but I was figuring on getting them to 10-14" before planting in about Mid May. I just do not want anything getting bigger than say 4-6ft tall


if you don't want them bigger than 6 ft. I would say start them around the beginning of may unless you lst and top a lot. it all depends on what you want to do and how big your growing medium is.


Well-Known Member
yep they will be huge if you plant in may. Just start them outdoors in late may or june, They may still get big though. I got 5 footer's that i planted on july 4th.


Active Member
If you plant foot tall plants around the beginning or middle of may you are looking at some monsters, 8ft + unless u train the piss outta them.... last year i started seeds outside around may 1st and they ALL came out to be 10 foot plus without any training. This year I started some around june 1st, and some about july 1st. The ones from june are around 4-6 ft the shorter ones being topped. The ones from july are about 3-4 ft. I plan on doing the same thing as you next year (starting indoor then moving them out about mid may) but i plan on having 1-2 pound plants from it tho. if your spot is legit then you shouldnt be to worried about size...