How Big?


Active Member
How big should a plant be after vegging for 3.5 weeks under 27k of fluorescent grow lights? My plants are only about 5 or so inches this normal? seems like vegging could take a few more weeks for me to reach 12 inches so that I can switch to flowering.


Active Member
How big should a plant be after vegging for 3.5 weeks under 27k of fluorescent grow lights? My plants are only about 5 or so inches this normal? seems like vegging could take a few more weeks for me to reach 12 inches so that I can switch to flowering.

bit low on information, whats 27k of fluorescent ? if you refering to the kelvin of the light it refers to the colour spectrum of it , you'll need 6000-7000k for vegging to promote leafy growth. height isn't necessarily a good indication as many indica strains can grow very short but extremely bushy and stretched plants will be higher but less developed. the number of nodes, the general speed of growth and overall health of the plant is a better way of determing how developed the plants are and when to flower them


Active Member
sorry I put k instead of lumens. The 27k referred to the amount of lumens that my florescent lights put out. The strain I am growing is white widow if that helps. I am growing 8 plants at the moment and they are all aprox 5 inches tall.


Active Member
sorry I put k instead of lumens. The 27k referred to the amount of lumens that my florescent lights put out. The strain I am growing is white widow if that helps. I am growing 8 plants at the moment and they are all aprox 5 inches tall.
so do you mean 27 lumens? 270? 2700 lumens? , for optimum growth levels in veg you'll want about 27000 lux (lumens per metre square). and white widow varies a bit depending on breeder but is a mainly indica plant.