How can I make Reverse Osmosis Water without a machine?


Well-Known Member
I wanna make reverse osmosis water but i really dont wanna empty my wallet for clean water, its ether reverse osmosis water or I just leave a huge thing of water out for a few days
That will not take out everything from your water. It will still have alot of dirty chemicals and some type or chlorine. You can get a R/O For about 180 or 150 . If you cant do that you can get some barrels and get pure water from the stores when you need it.
I use untreated tap water (soil) and my only concern is keeping up with PH.. The reason I tell you this is I used to use purified and distilled waters and the plants hate it.. The minerals in tap water are invaluable on their own.. and a little bird told me if you take hot water from your faucet and let it cool, there is no better trace source of inexpensive calcium and magnesium .. I don't know if it's true, but I've never had calcium and magnesium problems in the last many years of using it.. heh.. everyone has a story I reckon.. that's mine.

Good luck man~!
With one addendum.. I accept not every regions tap is the same quality and makeup.. I have done this in several states but regardless, not all treatment facilities use the same procedures, chemicals, have the same water source etc.. I might just be lucky over the years.. who knows.. Just another anecdote to ponder..
Tap water is good rain water is better. I would not waste the money on an ro system. Buy a better light. Use tap water and put a pump bubbler anything to keep water moving so it does not go stagnant and helps water out tap waTer has calcium etc in it which is good. Truly check with you water company the chlorine chloramine is prob not that high as most believe
ive been using the hot water tap from my washer and just leaving it out. I assume its better then nothing, concidering i do not have a ph tester this is my best bet haha, even thou ph problems arnt really my biggest concern i just like to keep the enviorment of my plants the best that i can. Happy smoking :)
J I would invest into a ph meter if you ph gets wacked out everything I mean everything is wacked your plants will struggle and yeild will be greatly decreased invest in a ph meter its s must unless your organic. Once its right it right. every other way the variables can and will change look into blue lab and get ph and ppm together i got mine for 200 brand new of amazon I think. Blue lab aint the best but its perfect for me. I had w Milwaukee pen and it sucked just my 2 cents
Lots of bad 411 offered here.

There are so many bad things in tap water that people should not shower, drink, cook, or use it as a nutrient base without first filtering- but that only covers the VOCs (don't be lazy, google it)

How anyone could possibly think that the composition of minerals (hardness) in municipal water is 'good' is equally absurd. AGAIN, google it

The more hardness, the greater the difficulty for nutes to mix properly. You can do a simple test with pure liquid soap adding one drop at a time then shaking. If you get a head of suds that do not dissolve quickly you have low hardness. Typically it takes 8-10 drops of soap in 10 ounces of water to overcome the hardness

Now, google DIY structured water. You can make a simple device using ~1-2" marbles in a ~ 10-24" tube. Pass tap through the top, then repeat the soap test. It's pretty amazing, only 1-3 drops needed.

I have a $2000 RO and still run that water through the structure tube
A 2000 dollar ro systen for a beginner that does not have a ph meter were not in advance growing here he has to start somewere tap water is as good as any and I dont have hard water at my house I have never had a problem using tap water were you live might be. But in that case rain water is bad to then google acid rain its bad so just cause something bis bad for you dont make it bad for everyone
Which is why I focused on the simple DIY and inexpensive Structured Water device, PLUS, to point out that the SWD brings something to the table that RO alone does not. Or did all that go over your head?

A 2000 dollar ro systen for a beginner that does not have a ph meter were not in advance growing here he has to start somewere tap water is as good as any and I dont have hard water at my house I have never had a problem using tap water were you live might be. But in that case rain water is bad to then google acid rain its bad so just cause something bis bad for you dont make it bad for everyone
If you woukd have focued on a structure tube thats what you shoumd have started with not tap water is bad thats bad advice in its self. I aibnt arguing nor want to but let him start small work his way up amd worry about all this strutcre tube later I used a ro system on my 1st grow and sold it on Craigslist as I had alot of lil problems calcium magnesium etc etc. I used to catch rain water in barrells. If its dry season no rain mean no water. And then I said fuck I have no warer what do I do now. Tap water will always be twist a knob and theres plenty you dont need fancy evertthing to grow dank. Letting water sit out its good for me my plants dont have problems etc etc. My tap water is good apparenrly better then yours its a learning process