How Can U Tell If It's a Fem?


Active Member
My plant has been on 12/12 for about 2 weeks now, and at first I thought it was a male because of the crown at the top. When I started to look closer I noticed pairs of white hairs growing in between the nodes. Now the question is, where are the hairs supposed to be growing from? Is it the two little spike looking things that grow on the side of the stem next to the nodes or is it form the new growth that starts on the node? Thanx in advance for the help everyone.


Well-Known Member
The following image clearly displays a female plant at about 10 days flowering, using a 400w HPS. NOTE: Indica dominant strains will flower faster than Sativa varieties.

Photo Contributed By: OldPink



Well-Known Member
They are exactly where they are circled in Mogie's pictures. Even if you never grew pot before, you would be able to tell WITHOUT A DOUBT when the time is ready that it is a female. It is really cool just seeing 2 white hairs (pistils) shooting out one random day.