how cold


Well-Known Member
yeah i think 28 is a little too cold they usually can handle a few nights of 45 but i think thats still pushing it

Buster 420

Active Member
45 isn't shit for a plant Mine have been that cold for over a month now with two straight nights at 32. You can't tell they were even in the cold except for one that turned a little purple on the leaves. Seriously, 28 for a couple hours will kill your plant. 32 is cold but not enough for cells to freeze and burst.


Active Member
Yeah I've had 4 plants get down to upper 30's for 3 nights in a row... just a bit of reddish/purple tint on the new leaves. Put some stakes in the ground and throw a sheet over them if you know it's gonna be a cold 34 or less night.


Well-Known Member
my plants are exposed to low 40s everynight without any problem whatsoever. supposed to get in the low 30s on tuesday. im not worried AT ALL. they are strong plants. as long as you are over 32 you are fine 100% i dont care what anyone says.


Well-Known Member
my plants are exposed to low 40s everynight without any problem whatsoever. supposed to get in the low 30s on tuesday. im not worried AT ALL. they are strong plants. as long as you are over 32 you are fine 100% i dont care what anyone says.
i have a large plot of smaller plants 2- 2 and a half feet and mine are already starting to turn a bit purple and its only gotten down to about 45 so i dont think any plant of mine is going to be out at 32.


If they're not already mature by this time a year.. I just go by the first frost. Yank em the day after..
my plants are exposed to low 40s everynight without any problem whatsoever. supposed to get in the low 30s on tuesday. im not worried AT ALL. they are strong plants. as long as you are over 32 you are fine 100% i dont care what anyone says.

are they still flowering significantly?


Active Member
I recently saw a post from someone in Maine who posted pics of his plants with frost on them! He said they had been at 28 degrees for 4 hours and they bounced right back the next day. Now I certainly do not want to see my plants like this - these plants did not look happy. But, I have late bloomers and will go as long as I can - worth it to let 'em fill out. If it starts going below 30, they get the axe.


Active Member
As long as you check them every morning,you can harvest immediately after a hard frost.You'll know because the plants will droop dramatically.30 degrees soft frost,29 degrees hard frost.Most plants will not survive a hard


Well-Known Member
Yeah anything under 32 is usually gonna be a problem, if its suppose to drop that low your might want to cover them with a sheet.