How could i grow two bag seed plants for under $50


New Member
Okay, so my friend gave me bunch of seeds he got in some high mds (dont ask why he bought mids) I started 8 plants and they grew to quickly and stretched so i have to start over. Is there any way to grow these that cheap? I'm very good at starting them. I already have soil, seedling dirt and pots. I don't want to grow these all fancy-like with a bunch of chemicals and stuff haha. I was thinking about using cfl's but i heard you need a lot of them and where i live electricity gets pretty expensive.

Also, has anybody grown with mid seeds before? how big do they grow?How much do you get at harvest? And what is the likelyness they would even be female?


Well-Known Member
yeah, outside, if you think cfl's will use too much electric then maybe growing weed isn't for you.


well, I would definately say outside grow is the way to go. What I did is we used to buy shwag all the time, I saved like two butter containers full of seeds, started germing about 20 at a time in flower pots, paper cups, just about anything we had, once they were well started(about 2weeks), we would go hiking in the swamp, woods, wherever, and randomly plants them. In total, I think we planted about 900! So if you are ever in mississippi, go hiking, might just find a surprise or two. Anyways, if you wanted to do inside, get a shoplight at walmart(10-15 bucks) or CFLs, get a gallon of white paint, build a box, and use your soil. Hey, everyone does things different ways when it comes to plants, there is no exact "right way" to do anything. The seeds were free, plant a few, never know what can happen, might just grow a great plant with just a little time and effort. I would read your growlog if you started one, would probably be interesting to see your results, plus I am sure a bunch of people on here would be glad to give you pointers as it progresses. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Wats up ben. All of my grows have been bag seed grows. I smoke all grades of pot. Highs r to expensive and we dont have dispensaries yet. For a cheap grow cfls would be best. Depending on the type of grow 10-20+ would be good for even spaced lighting. I have 11x26w & 150w hps but I have 18 cfls in all. Here a 6pk is only $10.