how do I change the ppm of the fertilizer

hey guys, i need to start adding some fertilizer so i was wondering how to monitor how many ppm i am using, i know they make a tester for it but how do i alter how much i am going to use... like is one Tsp = 100 ppm or somthing like that... can some one explain how this works thank you.


Well-Known Member
nah you man need a the nutes site in water the ppm raise you have to keep an eye on never stays the same..
oh ok see thats what i dont understand... so what happens exactly? how do i keep it at a steady number like i need 100 - 200 ppm so how would i keep it at that number?


Well-Known Member
PPM means Parts Per Million, or in other words, how much stuff is in the water.

Lets say you have 1 gallon of water. If you add 1 teaspoon of fertilizer to the water the PPM will go up. Every teaspoon you add should raise the PPM incrementally about the same amount every time.

If you add another 1 gallon to the mix, you will have 2 gallons of water for the same amount of fertilizer, so your PPM will go down accordingly. It's a concentration thing, so twice as much water is the same as half as much fertilizer.

Different fertilizers have different concentrations so you'll need to use a TDS meter to get accurate figures. 1 teaspoon of one fertilizer will NOT equal 1 teaspoon of another.

Also, keep in mind that whatever your water source, the water will have it's own amount of PPM in it already and the fertilizer you add only goes on top of that figure.

I've heard people like to use anywhere from 1100 to 1500 for their MJ plants. Each plant is different. To find out what your plants want, start light and slowly work your way up every feeding until you see a small amount of nute burn, then scale back a bit.