How do i choose a pheno to clone?


Well-Known Member
I have tall lanky phenos that are barely starting to bush and i have short phenos that are very bushy. All very lush green, i threw out any pheno that yellowed up during vegg or grew funny. Now i wanna choose a pheno to make a mother, they are 12/12 for 1 day so far. I wanna revege a flowering clone so by the time harvest comes my new clones will be ready to go with out overgrowing my tiny vegg box. What pheno is worth the most? Tall or short? Im lookin for a quick flowerer to clone and shorten ny grow cycle.


Well-Known Member
w/e one looks the best to you. i personally like to look at the thickness of stems and also triches that are produced during veg..smell and looks and feel also take a play as well

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
Take a few clones off of each (label them!), let the plants recover and then set them into flower. While they flower, start the clones, and once established, don't feed them too much if space is an issue. Choose the earliest/frostiest/stankiest one and use it's strongest clone as a mother. Grow the rest of the clones out for smoke in the meantime. This is pretty well the only way as far as i know i'm afraid, other than regeneration which is a pain in the ass...


Active Member
Short and bushy if you wan't a quick flower. Also you should rub the stalk and see what one has the aroma is most desirable for you.