How do I clone or re-bud?

Have my first female, she is nearing her end. I was just wondering how I go about cloning or possibly re-budding her. Any help is much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
to rejuvenate your harvested plant..i've never done this before so maybe someone with some experience can give some input but from what i've read the idea is to keep some of the lower branches with buds in tact and basically once you clip the buds you wish to harvest you revert back to a vegetative nutrient and light schedule. It will take 2 - 3 weeks to revert back to veg. Good Luck.


get some root hormone, any type will do, liquid or the goopy stuff.

cut off a healthy branch, and cut it at a diagonal angle(45 degrees if you can). cutting it this way makes it easier for it to root, and gives it a greater area to grow roots out of. weed is stringy, and since it's green and wet it'll be hard to cut, so get something extremely sharp. make a nice clean solid quick cut, and put it in the root hormone right away. there should be instructions on the hormone package, depending on what it is, it'll have to be in the hormone for different amounts of time. usually it's something like 30 seconds to a minute for the liquid, and the goopy stuff you just leave on it. after you've got the root hormone on the bottom of your newly cut branch, put the branch in a root cube, and water it with RO water w/o nutes until it really roots in. this could be a couple days or a couple weeks depending on your setup. you don't want to over water, so just look at the cube from time to time, and if it looks dry just pour a little bit more on. essentially you want to run RO water through the cube before you put the clone in, and shake out some water so that it's moist but not drenched. a humid environment will help the rooting process greatly as well.

when you say she's 'almost done' i'm assuming your girl is already flowering, bringing this new clone back to vegging will stress it out, so you'll have to take care of it like a baby. next time try to cut off clones before you flower, that way your clones aren't confused and stress is kept to a minimum. i've never cloned from a plant that is about to crop out, always when it's in veg, so honestly i can't tell you what's going to happen. for all i know it could die due to stress. honestly i don't think that'll happen, i think it will just take extra time to revert it(maybe even weeks), which sucks but what are you going to do. like i said watch it really closely and good luck.


Well-Known Member
To reveg, you can just flip the light cycle back to 24 or 18/6. Leave some buds on the plant thats where the vigorous growth will start from (and growth will be intense from the buds). I've done it a few times, really does work pretty well if you have a strain/plant that is ok with it. Some are just done when they are done and wont reveg very well some do great the 2nd time around.


Well-Known Member
Where should I leave the buds? Toward the top, or bottom?
Does not really matter, you just need to leave enough leaves so that it can re- veg.

But I would pick the the freshest looking section of the plant, it takes a while but you can re- veg any plant.


Active Member
Ok i have read that taking clones off of floweing plants works awesome. This is called monster cropping. I am going to be trying this soon. Heh this might change how i do things.


Well-Known Member
the biggest problem with usung the old stem and root mass is all the nutes and the usually poor quality of the plant at the end.
prepare for a log turnaround and a retarted looking plant.