How do i fix the overwatering problem?


Active Member
Alright so i overwatered my plant, go figure. The leaves are all droopy even though i watered yesterday. How do i solve this problem?

Is it enough to just stop watering for additional 2-3 days or do i need h2o2 or other chemicals?


Well-Known Member
no there is nothing that can reverse overwatering, just wait till they dry. Next time dont water till the pot is light and the soil is dry for a couple inches.


Well-Known Member
I'll try to be nice and save you from some one else who would rip you a new one. IF you overwatered your plant, just WAIT. Theres no need to do anything else at all. Dont water your plant as often. Water it thoroughly, then let it dry out....repeat. Lift your pot after you water it, note how heavy it feels. When its dry it will be MUCH lighter.


Well-Known Member
If you poke some holes in your soil it will let air into the center is well it wont help that much but its probly the best you can do for it!


Well-Known Member
Warm the soil to 75 degrees, and have a fan blowing across the surface will speed up the drying. But all you can do is wait,.. or repot.
when that happend to me i re-potted the plant, its leaves purked up but the growth is stunted, it hasnt grown in a week. its only a 2 inch tall 12 day sprout that is stuck at day 6 of sprout


Active Member
Yeah mine hasnt grown any since, the pot is still heavy and the leaves are droopy as hell. Looks like its dying.

Would have repotted if i had a bigger fuckin pot to put it in


Well-Known Member
Hey dont worry man i've over watered a few times and they never died they just take few days to recover!