How Do I Grow Massive Marijuana Plants?


New Member
Hello, i was wondering how i can get massive marijuana plants that yield loads, maybe like a kg, i know my hopes are probably a bit high, but oh well.
Heres what i have: 10hours of direct sunlight
10 gallon pot of standard soil bought from a gardening shop
35 degrees celcius and 60% humidity

Im thinking of growing moby dick #2 by dinafem.
Can i just mix a load of horse poo or cow poo on top of my soil every few weeks for fertiliser?
Will appreciate any help? Thanks


Active Member
best thing to do is start reading as much as you can and decide what methods will work for what you have to work with. time, dedication, and lots of work. theres not one magic answer.


Well-Known Member
You are gonna need a lot bigger pot, or just plant directly in the ground in a huge hole you have ammended with organic goodies.

Of course thats not all it takes, but if you are gonna just jump right in and try to grow a massive girl, you gotta get started on the right foot.


Active Member
Hey 757- LOL- are those baby swimming pools? OMG sicko , if so.

As far as answering main Q,
Read as much as you can, and like said before it takes alot more than throwing her into the ground.
All things considered , its not impossible but crawling before sprinting is usually best.
As far as using poo goes, its works in mother nature.. and if you trying to not spend $$$ on quality MJ potting soil then i guess something is better than nothing.
And ya throw her right into the ground.


Active Member
I heard growing on the moon is your best but in all seriousness, GOOGLE is a hell of a drug and you should overdose tonight til you pass out. :)
hey 757, I would think the shallowness of the kiddie pool wouldn't be as good as a deeper container? have you used shallow but wide containers before? First time ive seen someone rockin the pink kiddie pool as a pot. I like to use them to mix my supersoil


Active Member
IMO too shallow indeed. Cute but not so practical for deep root development.
If he grows in them , i assume tall but flimsy ladies, with nothing holding them down so to speak


Well-Known Member
IMO too shallow indeed. Cute but not so practical for deep root development.
If he grows in them , i assume tall but flimsy ladies, with nothing holding them down so to speak
actually, kiddie pools grow great plants. the soil isnt very thick, so insulation isnt as great. which means that the soil temp will be easier to moderate. i dont really think it matters


Active Member
Easier to moderate?? Sounds ridiculous to me that that is something he needs to concern himself with, and def. not a reason to try and grow in those things in the 1st place.
I would also go as far as saying, that if I dug a hole as wide as the kiddie pool my plants would be much much much bigger.
IMO depth is more important that surface area with regards to plant size


Well-Known Member
grow something like critical mass or mango haze and give it spring and summer to veg and autumn to flower it will become huge like a tree
it is very easy to grow huge plants in the veg state they do not require much food or light or care
but once flowering starts that when they will need care and depending on your own experience and knowledge weather you can get those huge trees to fill themselves with bud
and stay healthy until full maturity



Well-Known Member
now that i read that.. that makes no sense. less insulation=easier to moderate? regardless, they grow good plants. dont knock it till you try it. ive tried it. i wouldnt do it by choice, but hey he can do whatever he wants


Well-Known Member
Moby dick is a good strain from what ive read cant say from experience but yeah if you want trees you gotta veg before the season and no dont just throw poop on your plants thats a very quick way to kill them and its not wise to use uncomposted animal feces anywhere near a plant meant for human consumption so if you want trees and dont want to spend money on nutrients then your SOL buddy because if you dont build up the soil prior to growing and tou dont add nutes youll be in for some paultry yields. Oh and make sure that plant is getting closer to 18 hours of light daily while vegging to make sure she doeabt fliwer earlier than you want


Active Member
now that i read that.. that makes no sense. less insulation=easier to moderate? regardless, they grow good plants. dont knock it till you try it. ive tried it. i wouldnt do it by choice, but hey he can do whatever he wants
Never said it was a bad thing, just not something a new grower would want to tackle. IMO