how do i know when to harvest?


Well-Known Member
You can feed til' harvest, most stop a couple weeks prior... How often do you water? for example if you water every three days... when you're ready to harvest... water... wait three days and instead of watering again, harvest.

Bill Wilson

Active Member
lots of info from different viewpoints but this is what I do. Start using a flush and 3 tbl molasses per gallon to give it sweetness, flush the salts and give it some taste with citric acid. Buy final phase its the most recommended product I know of from any line.IMO Its like twenty bucks a bottle and it will make a giant difference.

Timeline on when to flush should start when the first amber triches show up. I recommend a 20 day flush but some say that is overkill. I don't and so the members at my club can really notice considering how much ferted weed is in a developing med state. Some say a week to ten days with a rinse but they just can't wait. Go 20

Its always better to wait and be a little too ripe than being underdone, get a mag glass and test samples.

Bill Wilson

Active Member
Also I prefer sativa dominant hybrids so the 20 days work well for them but not so well for a faster indica I will also mention that prefrence of triche colouring and maturation should be graded to your liking and prefrence of high to plant. This means more clearly that I like indicas overdon and sending me to the couch with muncies and I LIKE MY SATIVAS ABOUT 25 %AMBER SO THEY HAVE A HIT TO THIER CLEARNESS.