How do I know when veg begins?


Well-Known Member
My plants have been in 'seedling' for close to a month now. They sprouted on May 23rd. Aside from a couple days where I had to solve a nitrogen issue, they seem to have been growing since. So we'll say, May 26th.

They've been growing three weeks now, I'm not yet seeing "the development of leaves with the full number of blades on new fan leaves," as per this website

Is my growth stunted? Or is this just 'one of those times' where I need to wait a little bit longer for my order?


Well-Known Member
My plants have been in 'seedling' for close to a month now. They sprouted on May 23rd. Aside from a couple days where I had to solve a nitrogen issue, they seem to have been growing since. So we'll say, May 26th.

They've been growing three weeks now, I'm not yet seeing "the development of leaves with the full number of blades on new fan leaves," as per this website

Is my growth stunted? Or is this just 'one of those times' where I need to wait a little bit longer for my order?
Where is the pic? Three weeks old should be vegging. I've seen some say once it has its first set of leafs its no longer a seedling. In my opinion if it has a couple nodes and is growing good its vegging


Well-Known Member
Where is the pic? Three weeks old should be vegging. I've seen some say once it has its first set of leafs its no longer a seedling. In my opinion if it has a couple nodes and is growing good its vegging
This is a picture I took yesterday or the day before it, not sure if it's good enough



Well-Known Member
This is a picture I took yesterday or the day before it, not sure if it's good enough
Those look closer to two weeks old. You probably have an issue stunting them.

But to answer your question the plants are in vegetative growth since sprout. Young plants are considered seedlings but they are still in vegetative growth as opposed to flowering when the light schedule is switched to 12/12 etc.

Don't get so hung up on terms as they don't really matter. Focus on keeping the plants healthy.
Where is the pic? Three weeks old should be vegging. I've seen some say once it has its first set of leafs its no longer a seedling. In my opinion if it has a couple nodes and is growing good its vegging
Once true leaves are out, I call it vegging (once a pair of wiggly leaves come out, after the first pair of smooth leaves).