How do my seedlings look?

> Unknown bagseed
> Germ'd and planted about 4 days ago
> Two out of three have one 24w 6500k CFL about 2 inches away, the third has two 13w 6500k CFL's at the same distance. 24hr light schedule for now.
> Growing in Gardeners Pride soil from Walmart
> Watering about 1-2oz when the pots feel light
> Oscillating fan blowing on them all day

Sorry for the abbreviated thread, my browser likes to close my tabs and its fucking annoying!

Do these look healthy? Any obvious signs of deficiencies?




New Member
They look good and healthy.. I would try to switch dirt though.. It looks like it has a ton of wood chips in it... You should go to home depot and get miracle grow moisture control. Its what I use and the pots dry out pretty fast. The dirt your using needs perlite or something to help aerate the soil.


Well-Known Member
1-2oz, smart man! you know how to water babies!

get 2 more 23watt light bulbs @1600lumens
More important than that is the Kelvin rating.
For veg, if going to Lowe's or Home Depot, I have found that the 5000k are much easier to find and work just fine, but if you see some 6500k bulbs, those are fine also.
Measuring the amount you water is not important, as is the frequency of watering.
You want to make sure you water enough to get runoff, that way you know that ALL the soil is watered, not just the top or center.
I would recommend perlite next time you repot.
The plant I am doing now, is in MG moisture control with about 40% perlite.
I am getting much better drainage and drying of the soil than my last plant with the same soil but no perlite.