How do they look?


Well-Known Member
My “about me” has most of my setup listed. Flipping to flower any day now. Topped at sixth node a while back. How do they look? Noticed excessive lime green color on the leaves. Two big plants are mothers that are out of the picture.

60F at night. Just now put the fans back to blowing upward at light, cupping leaves and heat stress signs again every time I point fan away to increase heat from 65F to 72F to see more vigor growth like I saw when warmer temps and airflow present.

More fans coming. Want to see what yall think. EC 1.45 PH 6.15. Manufacture feeding. The leaves are growing funny now recently after pruning. Lights raised from 2.5ft to 3ft.

Trying to prevent the same heat stress that stunted growth in mother plants that are doing so well now. Any tips or advice is appreciated



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