How do they look??


Well-Known Member
Good looking plants! Very green and very bushy, two very desirable characteristics. As far as which ones are female, you can't tell until you start flowering them and possibly (but not probable) right before you start flowering them. These are called preflowers but don't get your hopes up because they are somewhat rare. Good luck and I wish you females!


Well-Known Member
Interesting set up you've got there!

Would you give me a run down of your hydro equip and cost to set up please?

Keep posting those pics too! lovely looking plants well done!


Well-Known Member
Tell me if I'm being cheeky!
Can you post a pick of the system some time? I used to grow in a deep flood and drain a few years ago and seeing a glimpse of your setup has got me itching to go to my local BnQ :wink:


Well-Known Member
Nice, I use CFLs and I have noticed that they work great. I have some great looking plants like yours but they are a little bigger. I think if you use fluorescents the right way they can grow some killer plants.


Well-Known Member
pics didnt upload
Probably just as well for me! I really shouldn't be going to BnQ this close to Christmas :wink:

I would offer some help to upload pics but my computer talents leave a lot to be desired!!!

400 watt hps/Mh will do quite nicely methinks.


Well-Known Member
Very nice, very neat and very clean!

I'm gonna pull up a chair if you don't mind and watch closely. Something tells me it's gonna be good.