How do you pay for your seeds?

Strangely Enigmatic

Active Member
Question: Which country are you from and do you have hesitations about paying for your seeds with a credit card? (sooo much easier). Or do you prefer the way of the money order?
I live in Canada (Woot Woot) heh , and I always pay for my seeds with a credit card with no problems yet (7 years now) Hope this helps
I don't order marijuana seeds online, because such an action would be illegal. I do however regularly order shroom spores online. I use them for research about...spore-related matters.
I have to say the gift credit cards are the best way to go, as long as you pay for them in cash they can't trace you... wear sunglasses and a hoodie and there is no way in hell anyone could find you.
paypal??you would think the sites would have paypal set've never ordered seeds.bag seeds is the way to go there free.i have over 200 saved up separated and bagged according to what kind of smoke i got them from.

p.s. i only save the big black ones!