How do you put a thread in your sig.


Well-Known Member
Man i tried the copy and paste thing and it wouldn't work it had that little just say no symbol on it everywhere i drug it.
You got to the thread you want to paste and just draag it to your sig. right


Active Member
I got your thread in my sig.
can you guess how I did it?

maybe it's not the desired effect you were looking for but it still gets the job done.


Well-Known Member
You do it the same way you put links into a thread... it's HTML, it's the same on every page that allows you to type.


Well-Known Member
I actually am enjoying the struggle hahahahaha I'm sorry

Ok, real info; Copy the link from the address bar on your browser, like normal. Then go into Edit Signature, and press the little button next to the font and color that looks like an Earth. Paste the link in when prompted, bam-o. Done.

Doing it that way, unlike just pasting the link into the signature box... will give you the option to write something for the link to say. For example, my signature link says "[How to make Butane Honey Hash Oil]" instead of something like ""