how do you run your clone-veg-flower cycle????


Well-Known Member
Hi there, im a patient in michigan so i can LEGALLY have 12 plants. Im thinking of how to setup my room, I want to harvest every month or every other month. I was thinking the easiest way would be to have (4 strains) 4 clones running at one time, clipped and put in a cube around 2 weeks into the vegging plants growth cycle (one clone per strain) I would also have 4 more plants in my veg room waiting to be flowered. I would be vegging them until the flower room is done so like 8-9 weeks so im about to have TREES I KNOW!! Anyways, so once the other 4 plants in the flower room would be done and ready for harvest i transfer all my plants to their next room, like a cycle. My room is about 12 feet in length and 10 in width. i was thinking of making it 60% flower, 40% veg and just throw my clones in a little spot out of the room. p.s. i wont have mothers

Also i saw a really interesting concept in a thread where i saw a guy would "donkeydick" his lights which means he lets them hang with no reflector. it is suppose to give you alot more light efficiency because the HID light bulbs produce light in all directions not just downward. so instead of losing 20% of light to a reflector aiming the upward light down you get close to 100%. Has anyone heard of this method of growing?
I ask this because im thinking of making my room into a room based on this theory.

EDIT* found the link


Well-Known Member
i was reading in the vertical section and they say if you place fans below your lights and have your exhaust fan right above it. Since hit air rises it will go into the exhaust fan and out the room!

my idea is to put the lights in the middle of the room sort of like a "sun" and place the plants around them. since there would be 4 plants around each light id put them in a square so hopefully with a 4ft t5 i can cover 2 plants and another t5 for the other 2 plants. Im also planning on doing this in my flower room. I will also be using acquarium bulbs instead of normal florescent lightbulbs.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
there are specific compact flourscents bulbs already made for the t5's.
those will work best and you can find them in both red and blue spectrum.


Well-Known Member
I would go with 3 strains. 3 in flowering, 3 in veg, 3 clones, and 3 mamas. Doing it that way will allow you to control your garden better, and dial in a perpetual grow.

Don't get hung up on yield. If you do this properly, you will yield just as much off of 3 plants as you will 4. Yield is dependent upon light/space, not how many plants you have.


Well-Known Member
Circle, octo, hex, square...most even light distribution to least least even, but I like where you're going with it. Don't skimp on your light though(new t5's can be had for under $10 a bulb), or soil if that's the plan, go a head and cut some other corners...
I just set up something similar to you, with a little less space my area is 13x5 resulting in a 5x7 flower and 5x6 veg. I have 4 strains but am only switching them to flower 1 at a time, so depending on the indica or sativa strain i should get to harvest a plant every other week or average 2 harvests every 3 weeks.

As far as clones go, I will take them when ever I can, (my white widow is showing roots after 10 days) I will pick the best of many clones and either chop the rest or trade them to a fellow patient. As of right now I have only one in the flower room12:12, 4 in the veg room18:6 and 15 clones24:0 (probably will only keep 5 of them) The law as I understand it says we are allowed 12 mature plants, mature meaning to have roots. So clones not showing roots don't count. So I plan to have up to 6 total plants in each of 2 rooms.

What ever set up you do for the lights just remember one thing, you can never have too much light. T5's T8's and even CFL's are great boosters for your hid's. Using them as under lighting is a great way to increase the size of your underbuds - providing you don't trim them off.
To flower I am usind a 600w hps 2050k in an air cooled hood rated at 95% reflectivity and with only 1 plant in there right now I'm using 22" T5s (4)-3,000k as side lighting. My girl is only 11" tall but as I've trained her the top "canopy" is about 3sqft. Similiar to a scrog but without the screen.
To veg I have (4) 4' T8s 6500k the fixtures rated at 90% and (4) 22" T5s 6500k
My clones are under (1) 6500k CFL


Well-Known Member
I just set up something similar to you, with a little less space my area is 13x5 resulting in a 5x7 flower and 5x6 veg. I have 4 strains but am only switching them to flower 1 at a time, so depending on the indica or sativa strain i should get to harvest a plant every other week or average 2 harvests every 3 weeks.

As far as clones go, I will take them when ever I can, (my white widow is showing roots after 10 days) I will pick the best of many clones and either chop the rest or trade them to a fellow patient. As of right now I have only one in the flower room12:12, 4 in the veg room18:6 and 15 clones24:0 (probably will only keep 5 of them) The law as I understand it says we are allowed 12 mature plants, mature meaning to have roots. So clones not showing roots don't count. So I plan to have up to 6 total plants in each of 2 rooms.

What ever set up you do for the lights just remember one thing, you can never have too much light. T5's T8's and even CFL's are great boosters for your hid's. Using them as under lighting is a great way to increase the size of your underbuds - providing you don't trim them off.
To flower I am usind a 600w hps 2050k in an air cooled hood rated at 95% reflectivity and with only 1 plant in there right now I'm using 22" T5s (4)-3,000k as side lighting. My girl is only 11" tall but as I've trained her the top "canopy" is about 3sqft. Similiar to a scrog but without the screen.
To veg I have (4) 4' T8s 6500k the fixtures rated at 90% and (4) 22" T5s 6500k
My clones are under (1) 6500k CFL
You may try increasing your light spectrum in your veg area by changing some of the 6500k's with 4100k's. I agree you can't have enough light but a broad spectrum can't be overlooked in both rooms.


Well-Known Member
I just set up something similar to you, with a little less space my area is 13x5 resulting in a 5x7 flower and 5x6 veg. I have 4 strains but am only switching them to flower 1 at a time, so depending on the indica or sativa strain i should get to harvest a plant every other week or average 2 harvests every 3 weeks.

As far as clones go, I will take them when ever I can, (my white widow is showing roots after 10 days) I will pick the best of many clones and either chop the rest or trade them to a fellow patient. As of right now I have only one in the flower room12:12, 4 in the veg room18:6 and 15 clones24:0 (probably will only keep 5 of them) The law as I understand it says we are allowed 12 mature plants, mature meaning to have roots. So clones not showing roots don't count. So I plan to have up to 6 total plants in each of 2 rooms.

What ever set up you do for the lights just remember one thing, you can never have too much light. T5's T8's and even CFL's are great boosters for your hid's. Using them as under lighting is a great way to increase the size of your underbuds - providing you don't trim them off.
To flower I am usind a 600w hps 2050k in an air cooled hood rated at 95% reflectivity and with only 1 plant in there right now I'm using 22" T5s (4)-3,000k as side lighting. My girl is only 11" tall but as I've trained her the top "canopy" is about 3sqft. Similiar to a scrog but without the screen.
To veg I have (4) 4' T8s 6500k the fixtures rated at 90% and (4) 22" T5s 6500k
My clones are under (1) 6500k CFL
Can you describe your time schedule a little better on your setup. From time you clone, your veg, etc.


Well-Known Member
I would go with 3 strains. 3 in flowering, 3 in veg, 3 clones, and 3 mamas. Doing it that way will allow you to control your garden better, and dial in a perpetual grow.

Don't get hung up on yield. If you do this properly, you will yield just as much off of 3 plants as you will 4. Yield is dependent upon light/space, not how many plants you have.
i understand your point of view. big 3 is as good as 4 smaller ones. the only thing with that is that there are so many cool ass strains i want to grow so with 4 i can have an extra strain to play with. right now im looking at sensi star, cheese, grand daddy purp and tahoe og :D
420green dream- NO I can't! As I said I just got this set up. As far as the timing goes I will adjust it as it passes. Fortunately I have a good friend who has his care giver card and a couple patients, with room in his grow to swap plants with me at various stages of their growth (if necessary) so I will be able to stay within my 12p limit and still be able to keep all 4 strains and maybe try a 5th or 6th. Also stated is that some strains are sativa and some are indica resulting in different flowering times. My hope for the clones is that as long as they are small and still in the cloning try, they would not be considered mature plants if an unfortunate incident were to occur.
Hucklberry - I did have some 4100s in there. The first 3 weeks there were 2- 4' 6000's 2- 4' 5000's 2- 22" 4100's and 2- 22" 3500's

It seems as if they experienced more growth during that time period vs the last 3 weeks. However I was out of town the first 3 weeks and have been in the room every day the last three.....

I've read a lot of differing opinions about what type of light and light cycles etc. NO ONE seems to have a sure fire approach as trying to duplicate the sun is quite difficult. I even read a grow guide where the author contradictes himself.

What is your reasoning for suggesting the additional temperature?


Well-Known Member
i understand your point of view. big 3 is as good as 4 smaller ones. the only thing with that is that there are so many cool ass strains i want to grow so with 4 i can have an extra strain to play with. right now im looking at sensi star, cheese, grand daddy purp and tahoe og :D

Well, you've got two options as I see it. If you're running with 4 strains you can either take clones right before you flip the plant from veg to flower, or you can take cuttings a couple weeks before your flip. The downside to cloning right before moving a plant to flower is that if the cutting doesn't root, your stuck with trying to take a cutting from a plant that has been in flower for 4 weeks, then trying to re-veg that cutting and throwing your perpetual garden out of whack. The plus side to this is you'll have plants that are manageable in size because you waited right before moving the plant to flower to take your cutting.

The other option is to take your cut a few weeks before moving the plant to flower. The plus in this is that if your original cutting doesn't root, you can take another cutting before moving the plant to flower. The downside with this rotation is that you will have HUGE plants going in to flower. You would have to be on top of training/pruning doing it this way in order to keep the plant small enough to fit in your flowering room.

Either way, if you want to stay within your legal limit of "dried usable marijuana" you will have to stagger your plants. You will pretty much have to stick with 8 week indicas or hybrids, and be prepared to pull them at 8 weeks even if they aren't quite "done". I would start with 1 strain at a time, staggering your introduction of strains 2 weeks apart. If you're growing from seed this could be difficult as seed germination rates vary. If you're starting with cuttings, it should be an easier process.

Good luck!