How does it look? (3 week old w/pic)


Active Member
The first picture is my plant as of today, which makes 3 weeks.
The second picture is of the same plant a week ago.

In the past week and a half it's had quite considerable growth, but I'm considering letting it veg a bit longer.

How does it look?
I love how it's so short too, no stretching what so ever and it's bright green.



Well-Known Member
Seems a little small, heres one of mine at 2 weeks. And its getting only about 12 hours of normal sunlught a day ( Its outside)



Well-Known Member
Looks hella small and really overwatered.... wait until the soil crusts over. You can usually tell if it needs a watering by the wieght...


Well-Known Member
Yes, overwatering actually might be your problem now that I think about it. Overwatering is one of the biggest mistakes new growers make, it stunts growth, causes nute lockouts, bacteria, root rot, many other things, its always best to keep your plants on the edge of dampness just enough so it is happy and not drooping at all.

whats your medium BTW? looks like orchid bark or something.


Active Member
Then why is it so small, I've watered it once a day with not even that much water, skipping days every once in a while. So I'll skip a couple days from today and see what happens.

My medium is a soil with Perlite, Peat Moss, forest products? (I'm guessing the bark), Vermiculite, Pumice, Earthworm castings, bone meal, blood meal, cottonseed meal and alfalfa meal.

I'm still baffled of why it's so small though.

and hell yea, Cali all the way haha.


Well-Known Member
thats whats up miitch try that and just feel the wieght of the pot and them water. thristy plany is better than a drowing plant.