how early can i sex?


so here's a quick question...i hope. I know that in order to tell if a plant is male or female you have to put them on the 12/12 light cycle, but when is the soonest i can do this? thanks in advance:joint:


Well-Known Member
as early as you want. from what I've read after they have 2 true nodes you can flower them but you'll get like very little herb.


Well-Known Member
when they show preflowers, thats your plants way of saying its mature and ready to flower when you feel like it. sure you can force flowering b4 then, but your just wasting time since no matter what the plant needs to go through a vegging phase and then mature. all forcing flowering does is give it less light to reach that point. It takes a mature plant very little time to start flower since its all ready for it compared to a plant that still needs to finish vegging and mature yet.
if mature normally you see preflowers around 3-5 weeks and when you flip it should only be 3-4 days to really take off heavy flowering, an immature plant like i said b4 is gonna take longer to start flowering and not get as big since you wasted alot of light it would of gotten if left in veg till its ready.