How easy or hardis is to identify a marijuana plant?

I'm sure this happens to lot of us.

Now that I'm into growing (3 months ago) I have learn a lot about this plants, the tree shape, the leafs, how they look with and without buds, diferent sizes, etc,etc.

But before, (I'm 43) i have no idea about that, so maybe in my life I was probably rigth in front of a mj plant, maybe lots of times without knowing it, not even a clue.

I grow outside, (3 plants) and I always thinking what happens if somebody looks them fom 40metters, without having a chance to get closer, how easy or hard is to identify them as mj plant? will they need binoculars to really see them? Even if they have experience? just look without searching from them?

Whem I'm driving I look the surroundings with lots and lots of small regular plants, it's really very hard to identify one of them as a "diferent or weir" plant that you need to investigate because looks like "some body is doing something wrong" with that specific plant.

what do you think? my garden can be seeing from a tall business offices building 40metters away, and theres are 3mj plants mixed with 5 regular garden plants, about same size, will post a pict later.

currently there is not smell, one of them is 5 week flowering


Well-Known Member
Imo now 36..and id say practically no one including most pot heads have seen em like us on here..imo from a and my.fathers best friend one of em anyway is the mayor.of this city..well years ago when i was young he used to.come over..they be in the backyard bbq ing right net to my plants and had no idea...i think my mother knew...but the mayor..cop friends and my father had no clue....till i told them years later...they all know i grow one cares.


Active Member
I think your alright as long as you have some other plants there to camo your ladies.40 meters is a good distance and even if someone from that distance,in an office building happened to notice what they were(which is unlikely)I'm not sure they would care.Are you in the U.S or Canada...?


Well-Known Member
I have had farmers work their field 3 meters away from 6 foot plants grown in front of willow - they never noticed. But remember that as harvest time gets near your plant will be very well recognizable to a lot of people. (we need to make some very potent "Ducksfoot" worth growing).