How far away from harvest are they


New Member
Hi everyone
I'm an inexperienced grower, grew a few auto ganga dwarf plants about 10 years back. Grew ok but awful smoke. Same summer planted Early misty regular not fem. They grew ok and went to seed. A lovely smoke and kept the seeds till next summer. Grew quite a few then and kept seeds. Lovely smoke again.
Never tried again for 3 years and seeds had gone bad. Never knew I should have kept them in the fridge.
Started again this year. Bought 12 seeds regular. Can't remember exact name but related to white widow. Planted 6 no show. Weather wasn't warm enough. Couldn't start them indoors as I live in England and visit South West france regularly and that's where I grow. Planted the next 6 start July, all came up. 5 survived, 3 have now withered, males, leaves me with 2 nice females. I will attach pics. I am here for a few more days then travelling. Can return in a month. Will they be fine then?
Looking forward to a nice smoke and having seeds again.

