How Far Away Is This Huge Male from Flowering?Pictures!!


Well-Known Member
Is this outside? If so your at the mercy of mother nature. It depends on your location but Id say once the summer days begin to get shorter and autumn is near, so are your buds.


Well-Known Member
Holy Shit! I totally missed that it was male, and i wasn't even stoned yet. (Kinda funny cause I am now) It was so obvious that I missed it


New Member
maybe its his goal to great awsome males so he can have many seeds which will bebomes awsome seeds.


Well-Known Member
If you asked me how to cross the frozen river to get the apples off the apple tree, I would have said apples dont grow in the winter.


Well-Known Member
do u see balls?
if so i need more white widow to help with my eyesite
i dont see any signs of sex in those pics


Active Member
thanks people,I know males dont produce it's just,I have about ten plants growing outdoors and onlt 2 of them have lived through the last 3 mnths,one is female one is male.The female is acres aways from the male and all the others are just babies that are near the male.I wanted to possibly let this male grow and seclude him becuz these plants lived through light frosts,days of non-stop raining and 50 degree winds,and most recently almost a week of heat in the 100s.So as a only eastcoast firsttime guerilla grower I wanted to b able 2 have some 2 grow next season.So no matter how big any bud plants get they will never flower till the light cycle switches 2 12/12.Thanks for the help

