How far away to keep male plants from female

I have 4 male plants maybe 4 feet away from my female plants which are under the light. My question is, can the males still pollenate the females from that distance? I am not sure exactly how the pollenating works, but I did see a little bit of buds on males so I figured I would keep them, but if the pollen can somehow go like 4 feet and get to my females I will just kill the males right now. I thought I would just keep the males and smoke the anything resembling a bud, even if it does next to nothing. Some of the weed I have been buying lately has been totally shit and there has to be next to no thc in it, I was thinking I could be smoking male marijuana.
Pollen from the males rides the air, on bugs and on the person growing them if you have any air movement in the room they are in they can and will probably pollinate the females.


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Staff member
If you are sure that they are males, then they have flowers.
Pollination is most likely a done deal by now.


Yup. Cannabis relies on millions (billions?) of tiny pollen grains carried by the wind - all that's required is a gentle draught of air to carry the pollen around. If you keep the males in the same space you will almost certainly pollinate every bud on your female plants and ruin your crop. If there is anyone growing nearby and down-wind of you and you're venting your air to the outside then there's a chance you'll impact on their crops too. Moreover male plants aren't worth smoking - I packed a pipe with immature pollen sacks that I'd pulled from a hermie once and it did absolutely nothing for me. I also know a guy who tried to make some hash from the leaves and pollen sacks of a couple of 4-foot male plants he pulled from his outdoor grow and the result wasn't worth smoking.