How far do male and female plants have to be apart?


Hey, I was just wondering the distance between my male and female plants? Is it possible to put something between them or is that not enough? :shock:


Active Member
i believe that if the male is anywhere close to the female it will def. pollinate the female! ive even heard of people washing and cleaning there whole grow room after a male was in there cause pollen can be on the walls.
My question to you sir is WHY keep the male if you dont want it to get to your female? i.e. seeds


Well-Known Member
why you tryin to keep the males!?? 1 is enough possibly too much!! either way you will have to have a seperate room or tent or somethin unless you want sweed!!


Active Member
In my own personal experience only male's I get are hermies. And when I get a hermie I usually just try to trim the buds with the male parts. I've yet to get any buds with seeds in it tho. Hermie polination is really week which could be the the reason but I think personally if you have low airflow that the other plant's will need somthing like bug's to transfer the pollen. Dont take everything I say to heart, but so far no seed's.
why you tryin to keep the males!?? 1 is enough possibly too much!! either way you will have to have a seperate room or tent or somethin unless you want sweed!!


New Member
you can transfer pollon on you clothing, hands, if you're keeping males, keep your room with males in it as sealed as possible, not to let pollen out, and wash hands and change cloths if going from bud room to male room