How far lights for flowering

im really tight on space in my cabinet grow

I was wondering how far the light should be without making the leaves burn so that it prevents the plant from becoming taller than it is now, but at the same time keep flowering?

any help would be great


Well-Known Member
you wont stop the plant from growing taller
a general guide is to hold your hand at the top of the plants.if the light is uncomportable to you,it will be for the plants as well


Well-Known Member
if its a cfl then a couple of inches coz they dont produce much heat but if it mh or hps then probably around 12 to 18 inches, but like mrmadcow said just put ur hand at the top of the plant and if its burning ur hand its burning the plant, you can also help by having a fan blow at the top of ur canopy between it and the light, also helps air flow and reduces mold.