How far should MH lights be?


Well-Known Member
Plants are 1 week old. I started 12" away and moved 1" a day. I am now about 8" away from plant. Is that too close. I've got people telling me it should be !8" away and my plants are already getting too heavy for the stem also Is 24 hour of vegitative light bad for my babies


Well-Known Member
If its not burning the plants they are fine. If you want to help out some have a fan blowing in between the tops of the plants and the light. You want the light as close as it can be without it burning them. The closer the light the shorter the space between the nodes, that makes more bud sites. More bud sites = larger yields!

Using HIDs its good to start at a high distance and work your way down like you have been :D 24/0 light cycle isn't bad, a lot of people do that for veg. Others prefer 18/6, its user preference really


Well-Known Member
and me too :hump:

What wattage is your MH? Use the back of your hand and feel how hot the light is at the tops of your plants. If its uncomfortable to your hand then its the same with your plants.

I always do 18/6 in veg