How hard will it really be for me to get a card? I'm 18


New Member
I live in LA. I turned 18 a few months ago. Now I've been smoking weed for years now. I get bad anxiety and insomnia and I smoke it illegally to help me sleep. I'm tired of dealing with shady ass dealers and I want a medical card. Now I know people say it's sooo easy getting one but it hasn't been so easy for me. I found a really good clinic. I called and they told me they don't give recommendations to people who haven't been previously referred because apparently the gov. put a new law where you need to have a previous appoint to get recommended and if you don't show proof of previous care it is illegal. What do they mean by that? An appointment with my primary care? Or just bring old medical records? I got medical records. I know for damn sure my primary doctor will not refer me mmj for she is completely against it. So that's out of the picture. I just want to find a place where I can go in (without medical records or history) get evaluated and boom get my card. I noticed a lot of places like that in LA are closing down. Is there anywhere I can go without all this previous appointment bullshit? Also I would like to know how easy it would be for me to get a card. I know I just recently turned 18 so I'm sure that doesn't help. I don't want some doc not giving me a recommendation because he thinks I'm some stupid stoner kid who wants to just get high. I smoke for a very good reason. Does anyone recommend any places?


Active Member
when i was in california, the doctors advertised in the newspapers. $200 seemed to be the magic number. this was last year. good luck.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
go to your reg doctor tell him you are having problems sleeping because of anxiety they will prob give you sleeping meds now you have been seen previously .mine was $60 dollars for rec $20 for id card with picture.


Well-Known Member
i payed $50 for a card with a picture and it says "may exceed state limits"

all you have to do is pay and you get it, no need for any medical records what so ever


Well-Known Member
Haha, $25 and a common cold will get you a card man. It's come a long way.

btw, you are some stupid stoner kid that wants to get high. But that's as good as reason as any. Don't embelish what you like, hidden behind a medical movement. Be Proud of Cannabis, it's uses, and your using it. It's an amazing, wonderful plant, that has so much to offer, and I for one, refuse to be ashamed of it's consumption - medicinal or not.

oh and btw, the question about having to visit your primary doctor first is legit. but your misunderstanding entirely. They just wanna know that you have seeked medical attention from your primary doctor before seeking additional advice from a MJ recommending MD.

they may ask when your last visit was, and who they are, but beyond that, your not gonna have to prove anything.

You gotta understand the movement. We/they want as many people as possible to get Dr. recommendations. This just further illustrates the need to end prohibition. Nobody's trying to keep this from you. They're actually on your side, and will help you. They just have to cover their ass legally, in case some stupid FED thinks he freaking Serpico and tries getting his MJ rec. and bring down a good MD office. ya know?