How important is an EC meter if...

Ec Meters, although probably seen as a worthwhile investment, cost a fair bit of money. I would like to ask if they are essential, as i would like to cut the cost of my grow startup.

EC meter measure the electric conductivity right, so is used to achieve a desirable concentration of nutrient solution. However, if i was to follow the proportions instructed on the nutrient bottle, for instance, 25ml per gallon, then is it really worthwhile me getting an EC meter?

Suggestions appreciated


Well-Known Member
i have had 2 successful grows without using an EC meter. i make sure i use a weaker dilution of nutes at first.
however that being said i do plan on buying one.



Active Member
asked my self the same ? the other day, but I still find myself checking everything with the ec pen and wrighting it down , instructions on bottle are close to right, like jondamon said go a little weaker with the nutes just to b shaw, good growing to ya.


Well-Known Member
EC is important. More than PH meter the way I see it.

On most manufactures label the recommanded dose is WAY above the ideal range. You could usually be just fine with 1\4 emount or so.

When you calculate how much to add you should take into consideration the water EC you have to begin with, then the fertilizers you add.

I simply took a bottle of water to the hydro store, mixed in my nutes and check the EC with their meter. I now know at exproximently what EC I am feeding.

In hydro you really should know your EC. I burnt my current crop not knowing EXACTLY what EC I was using, but not that badly. I know for next time to use a lower EC and check the EC with the supplements as well.
Or I might just buy a meter. That is probably what I'll do :D

If you use soil with some amendments you should just add fertilizers as needed, the labels should just give you an idea of what emount does what, but I don't believe in a feeding regime with amended soil.