how important is Flushing ... when i ve used straight water for the past 3 weeks


Ive used nothing but power flower during first 4 weeks ... Do really need to flush ?? week 7 sativa based hybrid. in soil from hydropnic shop. guano,fish etc.etc


Well-Known Member
If ur whole grow has been organic there is no need to flush. Flushing is for ppl that use nutes which r salt based, like the FF grow big and tiger bloom r both salt based aka chelated metals EDTA, but the Big bloom is an organic product that uses kelp, guano, stuff like that. When u use those salt based nutes u get a build up of salts in ur plants, more so if its hydro, less if its soil or a similar medium that acts as a buffer. So when u flush ur plants a couple weeks before harvest it is to flush out all those salt deposits that have built up in ur plant so u get a better flavor from ur smoke once dried and cured.


bud bootlegger
i don't believe in flushing.. i never could figure out exactly what dumping gallons of water into a medium is going to do for the flavor of the buds i'm gong to smoke.. just doesn't make sense to me..
plus, i grow a veggy garden every year in the back yard, never once have i flushed anything, and i eat the stuff i grow, and not one tomato, nor one pepper has ever tasted of chemicals, so idk..


If ur whole grow has been organic there is no need to flush. Flushing is for ppl that use nutes which r salt based, like the FF grow big and tiger bloom r both salt based aka chelated metals EDTA, but the Big bloom is an organic product that uses kelp, guano, stuff like that. When u use those salt based nutes u get a build up of salts in ur plants, more so if its hydro, less if its soil or a similar medium that acts as a buffer. So when u flush ur plants a couple weeks before harvest it is to flush out all those salt deposits that have built up in ur plant so u get a better flavor from ur smoke once dried and cured.
THanks for the 411 Thats great info. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Nah I understand wat ur sayin racer, from someone who has been around commercial produce for as long as I have I know they dont flush, but tell me sumptin have u ever had a driscoll strawberry from the supermarket, then go and eat an organic strawberry or a homegrown berry and tell me that u can't taste a difference. Now when I say flushing I don't mean pouring gallons of water on my plants or anything like that I just water with the same amount I always would only without using any nutes and do that for a few weeks before harvest, and when ur growin in soil it acts as a buffer. Flushing is sumptin that hydro growers usually do more than anyone.