How important is lighting?

Ok, so this is my first time growing a plant and actually it just started off as an expierement. I've been giving it plenty of sunlight and watering it and all that good stuff. So I was wondering how important a grow light is? I live in the US in Pennsylvania and there isn't as much sun as there was a few months ago but so far my plant has been growing really well. No problems thus far. So should I still get a grow light?


Active Member

Basically some plants go through life cycles based on how much light they receive each day. If you are on the same planet as me, the hours of daylight are quickly dropping.

It all comes down to what do you expect out of the plant.
Pretty much...if the plant is ready for the flowering stage..maybe it will be okay..otherwise, buy a light and bring her inside..if shes healthy enough you might be able to pull a decent truly is a glorious thing..even on a small scale.


Well-Known Member
I would say get a grow light either it be HID or CFLs, but if she if outside, when you bring her inside make sure to slowly adjust the light timing back to 18/6 if you still want her to grow,

Say if she is outside at 13/11 and bring her inside at 18/6 under the light, it will stress it, and can cause a hermie
