How Long & Do I Have A Hermie?


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

I've got this plant I LST'd. and was wondering if I can get some opinions as to when it will be done. I got the cheap scope from radioshack, but it seems from what i can see, the trichs are still pretty clear.

Oh ya, its been grown under 23-27 watt CFL's in run of the mill soil.

The three really close-ups are of a different plant that I think might have hermied on me. It has had a hell of a lot of stress (broken stem twice, one i didn't even know about). I cant tell if its a sac or undeveloped bud site. Its centered in the last 3 pics. There are more than that, but thats the biggest one.. Sorry if its really hard to tell from my shotty camera work.



Well-Known Member
the first close up pic is the picture of a sac.So i thiinked she hermied on ya sorry to break it 2 ya.

Here is a clearer pic just to be sure. Also, would it be worth it to chop it and hope it is potent enough or trash it. Letting it grow would not be an option because i don't want it to "infect" my other girls.



Well-Known Member
One more question. If I continue to grow it, wouldn't it just put all its energy into making the pollen sacs (as if it were a female that got pollinated then starts to make seeds) or would it continue to bud? sorry, I'm not to familiar with hermies
I really dont know the answer to that but I would think so.Ive seen grows with people using seeds from a plant that hermied on them.


Active Member
i heard somewhere that hermied plants produce feminized seeds. i don't know if thats legit or not at all so don't hold me to it. just something i heard somewhere, maybe even here? i don't remember haha